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16 Mar

University applications: What does the latest UCAS data tell us?

University applications: What does the latest UCAS data tell us?

In our analysis of emerging university application data for , we previously identified four trends that were of concern for the higher education sector and the economy: a dramatic decrease in the number of applications to nursing degrees following the changes to funding for students in nursing courses; a drop in the number of EU applicants as a result of the UK’s decision to exit the EU; a fall in the applications from mature students; and a significant decline in the number of black applicants.

After announcing the replacement of NHS bursaries with student loans for nursing degrees, applications to these had been expected to fall

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The new statistical release published by UCAS this week, concerning total applications to UK universities up to the main scheme deadline of 30 th , confirms those trends.

Applications from EU students are down by 5 per cent compared to . This compares to a slightly smaller decline of 4 per cent for applicants from the UK, and one of 1 per cent for Scottish students. Despite the fall in applications, the proportion of 18 year olds in England applying to university has increased by 0.7 percentage points from 2016 to 37.9 per cent. Scotland has also seen an increase in the proportion of 18 year olds applying to university, reaching 33 per cent. However, both Northern Ireland and Wales have seen slight declines of about half a percentage point, to 47.7 and 32.5 per cent respectively.

A significant decrease in the number of EU students applying to university in the UK will be of particular concern for the sector’s finances. English universities may see up to 2,250 fewer students from the EU starting in September which would equate to a loss of over ?20.8 million in tuition fee income a year with tuition fees at ?9,250. Moreover, estimates by Universities UK suggest that EU students and their visitors contributed over ?2.7 billion to gross output in the UK in 2014-15 including fees and other expenditure, suggesting that the economy, as well as universities will suffer from a decline in EU students.

10 Mar

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