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The Success of Minecraft Videos on YouTube

If you love the game Minecraft, no doubt you’ve seen a few of the millions of movies which have been uploaded to YouTube. This amazingly popular sandbox game provides a wide range and offers a freeing knowledge. And thanks to the popularity of the sport, Mojang continues to be releasing large updates to it all time. Today, you can get the game on PC, PS4, Xbox You, and cell. But discover something far more captivating: the thousands of players who generate videos just for the game online.

The success of Minecraft has helped fuel the success of countless video clips. Several designers have created more than 2 . 4 billion movies intended for YouTube. A newly released video by simply Halkun, a Minecraft choreographer, reached more than 12 million views in 11 years. Though there’s no definitive figure for the quantity of views on a Minecraft video, you can easily discover videos on YouTube demonstrating a few hundred thousand opinions. This reveals just how important the game is definitely.

Aside from adding videos meant for the game, YouTube has also produced several Minecraft-themed animated series. One of the most popular Minecraft videos is a 178 million-view animated short about the cryptid Herobrine. The story for the stick person battling against the cross-section of your Minecraft globe is similar to the popular Animator vs . Movement video. Many creators make money by promoting their big brother.